Saturday, April 14, 2007

Got a comment today on my 39 & holding post from Esther Jones...I noticed on her daughter-in-law's blog that she just celebrated her birthday too. Happy Birthday Esther! How cool to hear from her. It's been a long time, but I still enjoy keeping up with her IL crew through their blogs. It was good to get to see them when they visited NC a few weeks ago.

Thanks for the encouragement on this whole Birthday thing Esther. I feel the same way inside...I still feel like the little girl full of energy who couldn't wait to take on the world, and now I have a little girl of my own. Wow!

As Esther so beautifully put it...our spirits were created to live forever with God - it's just our house that gets old. Well, the homeowners warranty has almost expired, so I better get a good maintenance plan in place!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Mandy!! I sure am glad that when my spirit lives forever with God-you will be one of my neighbors!!