Thursday, September 4, 2008

Girls Night Out

Great time with the girls last night at our 2nd official "Pastor's Wives Gone Wild" outing. I know...dinner at Red Rocks, a walk to Walgreens, good adult conversation and coke on a park bench may not seem all that wild to you, but in the world of Mommy's / Pastor's wives - it ROCKS. Seriously!  

I am enjoying getting to know my fellow Pastor's wives better. They are all incredible wives and mom's and are all so gifted and talented.  God has put together an incredible Lead Team at Mosaic. Keith & I are so blessed to be part of that team. These girls inspire me!  They are real, they are fun, they are committed, and they seriously care about each other. I look forward to more time with them.

Left to right in the, Jessica Noy, Carrie Davis, Shannon Phelps, Ashley Fazal.  Heather Gutierrez was unable to join us last night...We missed you girl!

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