Thursday, May 31, 2007

Living Worship

I attended the Wednesday night Life Group held at the church tonight...we took a break from the Rooted Study to watch a video teaching by Louie Giglio on worship, "It's what we do" (you can view it here. GREAT Stuff!! What I got out of it: 1) We were all created to worship and will worship something or someone 2) Who & what we worship is not defined by what we say, but by the way we live ("we don't say to God our worship, we live to God our worship") 3)We are all great worshippers...the question, - What is the object of our worship? 4)If worship is determined by our walk, then we must take an honest look at the trail of our time, affection, emotion, investment, allegiance, devotion, belongings, etc. - at the end we find a throne with someone or something on it - Is that someone the God of the Universe? or myself, my family, my achievements, my goals, etc.?

What a great reminder and opportunity to evaluate my personal worship and move closer to becoming the "True Worshipper" God seeks. (John 4: 23-24) "someone who has the thing of ultimate value (God) in the center of their affections. Who, with their life, is a light declaring the greatness of God to a fallen world and living a lifestyle that will show that he is God in heaven and worthy of all praise." (Louie Giglio)

Question...What holds the place of highest value in your life? Take the time to honestly evaluate the trail to your life's throne, repent of any "little gods" you have placed on that throne rather than the only true and worthy God, pray and begin the process of making God the center of your affections.
Let's worship with our lives, not just our words!


Anonymous said...

What an awesome way to think about God and your relationship with Him. He is the only one who deserves it all. I am reminded additionally to think about -- how do I reach those people untouched by His Hands? How do I show people "my God" through my worship so that they too, can experience a relationship with Christ?. How do I communicate that love with others? What's my role as a worshipper (everyday and in the world) in sharing that total life commitment that is so rewarding and fulfilling?

Mandy Devine said...

Anonymous...You are absolutely right! That is the natural progression of our worship regardless of what we are worshipping. How do I share it with others? How do I present others with the opportunity to enjoy it themselves? How do I reflect to them the sheer joy of committing my life to it? If Christ is the center, then my desire to share His love with others should be unquenchable and seeking out the way I have individually been created to do so should be a huge personal goal.