Wow, the winds of change have been blowing in the Devine world lately and I couldn't be more excited than I am right now. As of October 14th (6 years to the date from our 1st official SonLight Fellowship service in 2001), it became official...Race City Church merged with Mosaic Church of Charlotte, NC. It has been a wonderful time of transition and relationship building. Incredibly, everyone at RCC has been excited about the merger and we have not had one single negative response. Outside of a couple of families that simply live too far away to travel to Mosaic (at exit 18) each week, everyone has made the transition - we have such an incredible church family! Why did we merge? So that we could be more effective at accomplishing the mission God has called us to for His Kingdom. With more people volunteering and greater resources, we can make more of difference in our area for Christ. What does RCC have to offer Mosaic? A heart for relationships, our deep family connection, and seasoned leadership. Our people have so much to offer, they all genuinely care for others, and they desire to make a difference for Christ. It doesn't get anymore real than this wonderful group of people.
What does all this mean for the Devine's? As of November 1st, Keith will be part of the Pastoral Staff of Mosaic. It's an awesome opportunity for him and he is excited to get started. We have already been so blessed by the relationships we are building at Mosaic - they have cared for us so well throughout this transition process and the way they have reached out to our RCC family has been incredible. We already feel like part of the family and that means so much to us!
As for me...I have the opporunity to focus on being my husband's wife and Ella's Mommy first and foremost, with waaay fewer distractions. I will be able to take the time to seek out where God would have me serve as a part of Mosaic and how I can be most effective for the Kingdom without being spread too thin. My prayer is that it means more peace, more productivity, and an opportunity to go deeper in my walk with Christ - on a personal level first and then as a part of the Mosaic family.
God confirmed this merger in our hearts and the hearts of those we have been working with at Mosaic in so many ways, one of which was to provide us a buyer for our building before we even put the building on the market. How huge!!! We close this Friday, November 2nd. Another huge confirmation was a prophecy given to Keith at a Wednesday morning prayer meeting with other local Pastors. A man visited that morning and gave several words of prophecy. He gave Keith a scripture...Ezekiel 37:15-28, you can read it here. This came in the midst of our discussions with Naeem and as we were praying for confirmation that this was the direction God would have us take RCC. Doesn't get anymore clear than that!
All I can say is, "Thank you God for your blessings and provision. Thank you for your direction. Thank you for your confirmation. Thank you for blessing our family (not just Keith, Ella, and I - our RCC family). Thank you for the lives that have been changed through this ministry and thank you for the lives that are going to be changed as we move forward. Here we are Lord...use us for your glory!"
BTW, you can read more about the merger here. Also, take time to check out my friend Andrea's blog about the merger here...It's called "Family" and it really blessed me!
14 hours ago
Wow! That is awesome! I am so happy for you guys! Enjoy! We will be praying for your transitions.
Hi Mandy: I just wanted to say that I have been truly blessed as well by my church family (RCC) and by you, my wonderful pastors Keith and Mandy. You both have spoken into my life in some mighty ways, and I pray that God will lead you into a position to not only continue to speak and influence my life, but to do the same for others as well. I really love you guys. I thank you for loving me and considering me part of the family - RCC, and now Mosaic.
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